3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Instagram Bio

A great Instagram business account garners reactions, likes, and a great conversation. But if you want to reach your ideal customer and get more eyeballs on your content, you need to have an #InstaAwesome bio. Here are three easy ways to improve your Instagram bio right now, and three amazing Instagram accounts that have mastered each tip.

Include your job title in your Instagram bio

Customers shouldn’t have to guess what your business is about or what products you sell. Be up front about your job title and include it in your bio’s sub-heading. As you can see from my Instagram business account, @TheInstagramExpert, followers immediately know that I am an Instagram coach and entrepreneur. Not only does it save potential customers scrolling time, but it also ensures that my ideal customers know where to find me. If you use industry keywords in your subhead, you also increase the searchability of your business.

Stuck on which keywords to use? Conduct some simple market research and search for other industry-related businesses. Jot down the keywords that pop out to you, and strategize how you can include these keywords in your bio.

Want another example? Check out @BusinessChicks.

3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Instagram Bio

This Australian professional networking account is focused on helping Australian women professionals connect with industry influencers and opportunities around the world. But you don’t need to scroll through their account to understand all of the wonderful things this organization does. Within their Instagram bio @BusinessChicks states both their organization’s goals (connecting people) and which followers will benefit most from “following” it (Australian professionals). Remember it’s not just about the number of followers your account receives, but whether you have the attention of your ideal customer.

Let your personality shine through

Your business is one-of-a-kind, and that should shine through with your Instagram bio.

Get creative and use fun keywords and emojis to describe your business. Although my Instagram business account is focused on helping business owners with their Instagram and social media strategy, I make an effort to include my signature bee emoji and nautical vibes in my Instagram bio. I know that when potential customers click on my account they aren’t just looking to see what my business offers, but assessing whether they will enjoy working with me and my team.

Click over to @Meandering_Mari to see another #InstaAmazing example.

3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Instagram Bio

Mari is an artist and influencer who uses who love of bright colors to catch the attention of art lovers in the Chicago metro area and beyond. As her bio states, “Every color is my favorite.” Mari also makes an effort to make her bio more readable with her use of vertical lines, which separate her keywords. Even if a potential customer is too busy to scroll through her posts, they get a snapshot of Mari’s fun, vibrant personality immediately through her Instagram bio. Check out Mari’s account to discover more ways that you can create a more fun Instagram bio.

Include a call-to-action

 Whether your business is a brick and mortar or exclusively online, you always want to include a clear call-to-action in your Instagram bio. Customers are much less likely to purchase your products if they have to scroll your feed for specific information. Plus, Instagram limits your live links solely to the one in your Instagram bio – make it count. Draw more eyeballs to your call-to-action with an arrow that points directly to your link. You can also include language that tells your customer what they will find when they click the link. Keep it simple with phrases like “shop now” or “connect with me.” Don’t forget you can also change your bio link as needed, like when you host a sale or special event.

            Unsure if your call-to-action is effective? See how @FairyBlooms does it.

 3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Instagram Bio

            Succulents are the perfect pop of color for any Instagram account, and @FairyBlooms account is overflowing with beautiful succulent snapshots. The account doesn’t just want you to admire the succulents, it also provides a clear call-to-action in their bio that allows you to purchase the pictured succulents. Not only does the bio tell you that the succulents are hand picked and sent across the U.S., but it also includes a bold “SHOP NOW” shout out with an arrow. Don’t leave your potential customers in limbo; use your call-to-action to create a more seamless shopping experience.

Discover more Instagram strategies

Make sure your Instagram business account is set up for success. Remember, your Instagram bio is your first impression for potential customers, so make sure it lets your amazing business shine through. For more strategies and tips to help you find business success, check out my free Instagram Strategy Guide.


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