5 Creative Artists Dominating Instagram

Even though Instagram is a visually-driven platform, I often hear artists express hesitation about sharing their work. Whether they’re concerned about people stealing their work or using their images without credit, many creators feel that Instagram isn’t the right platform to share their business. While I understand their concern, this possibility shouldn’t stop artists or those with creative brands from finding business success on Instagram. As the following five artists demonstrate, with the right strategy you can find an audience that is inspired and admires your work.


If you want to find laid back, beach inspired art then you have to check out @teilart. A painter based in Charleston, South Carolina, Teil uses the beauty of her surroundings to create colorful, vibrant works of art. But Teil takes the artistic experience one step further for her clients and often shares pictures of her work on her studio walls and in people’s homes. This even includes some famous clients, such as actress Lilly Tomlin and designer Christian Siriano.

A photo posted by Teil (@teilart) on

Another reason that Teil has found great success on Instagram is because of the beautiful way she captures the artistic process. Whether she’s sharing a snapshot of a beach umbrella or a work in progress, Teil invites her followers to be part of the artistic journey. This portfolio style Instagram feed really connects with her followers, and allows them to get a deeper understanding of the different elements that represent Teil’s work. Don’t forget, your followers want to see more than your finished creations. Invite them to be part of your larger artistic journey.



As her Instagram bio says, Bari is an artist who dreams in flowers. Not only do floral beauties inspire Bari’s art, but they provide a consistent theme that is woven throughout her Instagram feed. Even though Bari’s business specializes in a variety of textiles, including fashion and home goods, Bari takes the time to include a hint of floral in all of her pictures.

This eye for detail allows Bari to showcase her variety of products, while using an artistic touch that keeps her feed from feeling overly salesy. If you’re a creator who is struggling to understand how to conduct sales or specials without turning off customers, I highly encourage you to check out Bari’s account.


Art is all about the process, and this is especially true for @katefjury’s nature-inspired Instagram feed. As Kate’s account shows, you can also grow an audience by highlighting the materials that you use to create your work. Kate shows her artistic world both in and outside her studio.

She understands that fostering a connection with her followers means more than likes on your post. Consider how you can alternate your real life experiences and artistic creations like Kate, so you can inspire your followers to better understand all parts of your artistic process.

A photo posted by Katherine Jury (@katefjury) on


I will admit that I mildly obsessed with Charli’s beautiful Instagram feed. Not only is her account overflowing with snapshots of her beautiful creations, but she does a wonderful job showcasing another important part of the art – herself. Charli isn’t afraid to step in front of the camera and showcase not only her beautiful art but her energy and purpose. With her background in photography, Charli has an eye for stunning lighting and knows how to use intimate snapshots to further showcase her artistic process.

A photo posted by Charli Burrowes (@meohmygirl) on

Charli also understands that an engaging feed doesn’t stop with a beautiful feed, and continues the conversation with her followers through witty, thoughtful captions. Don’t forget that the caption is your opportunity to spark a conversation with your followers. If you’re unsure which captions work best, I encourage you to check out Charli’s account.


If you follow any of my Instagram accounts, you know that I love all things nautical and beach inspired. @pineapple_artist offers a splash of a tropical paradise with each and every post. Whether it’s a palm tree or their signature pineapples, this Australian brand offers its followers the perfect balance between lifestyle and art brand.

But this brand also knows that a strong account doesn’t grow in a silo. @pineapple_artist makes it a habit of tagging other accounts that showcase their creations so they can expand their brand reach. This practice not only shows @pineapple_artist’s brand awareness and willingness to conduct regular market research but shows that they are interested in more than just growing their account. Their willingness to highlight other brands grows relationships with both their customers and other global brands. Take time to make sure you are fully leveraging the other accounts highlighting your works. You’ll be surprised how a simple comment or like will help you make important connections with other Instagram influencers.

Learn more about growing your business on Instagram

Are you still struggling to find the right business formula for your Instagram account? Check out my Instagram Strategy Guide to discover all the tools and insights you need to kick start your Instagram business account.

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