Best Online Courses That Have Changed My Business

Learning from other experts is the best way to fast track your business, especially if you’re new to marketing your business online. When I first started this business almost 5 years ago I had no idea what worked.

During the first year, I kept hearing over and over again about “making money in your sleep” and “automation.” It all sounded great but in reality, I had no clue what the heck that meant.

I wanted to reach more people. I wanted to create trainings online. I wanted to grow my email list. I wanted to have an effective website. But I didn’t know how everything worked together to create one system that actually worked.

In order to figure it all out, I committed to investing and learning from other experts who were crushing it online. I wanted all the secrets, the sales methods, and the process behind the online system that would allow my business to work 24/7.

If you’re a business owner today then you’re likely not only trying to figure out how social media, blogging, and an email list can help you grow your business, but also HOW to do it!

It’s totally normal to feel unsure about making a major commitment to invest in an online training program. So here are 2 programs I’ve gone through, highly recommend, and can attribute most of my success to online.

Marie Forleo’s B-School

The very first program I purchased was Marie Forleo’s B-School. B-School is an 8-week comprehensive business training program. B-School teaches you the core foundations of parts of building an online business including branding, communication, marketing, and sales strategies.

Before I joined B-School, I didn’t even know what an email list was, I had an idea for branding but wasn’t sure how to make it consistent, and I was posting on social media all the time but without any strategy for making more money. I was basically just posting really randomly. Sound familiar?

I followed Marie for a few months before she released her free training series where I was hooked. After watching each video I knew I needed B-School so I signed up. It was certainly a big commitment, but looking back now I know it’s the reason I’ve been successful.

Now I’m lucky enough to work with Marie to promote B-School. Enrollment for 2017 is opening soon and I’ll have some new exciting bonuses to offer for those who join with me this year so stay tuned!

Amy Porterfield’s The Profit Lab

Amy Porterfield has become one of the best educators in the online business space that I’ve seen. A few years ago I invested in her course which at the time was called The Profit Lab. This was a course that connected the dots between Facebook ads and growing your email list with qualified leads. Now, in 2017, Amy’s courses are structured a bit differently but still teach this core information.

So once I understood and worked through the foundation for my business with B-School, I knew I wanted to scale. So I joined Amy’s program to learn her tactics for turning social media followers into real customers.

Now I’m obsessed with her podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy.

Michael Port’s Book Yourself Solid

Although Michael Port’s Book Yourself Solid is a book not a course, I had to mention it because I give him full credit for teaching me how to go after the customers and clients I really want to be working with rather than anyone and everyone. This is what he calls your “red velvet rope” clients. He also taught me how to be a much better speaker so that I’m more confident on stage and get offers to speak at more events.

So in summary…

If you’re lost and want a guide to building the foundation of your online business, B-School is for you.

If you’re already fairly successful online already but looking to scale by running webinars or facebook ads, Amy Porterfield has something right for you.

Or if you’re trying to become a more confident speaker or business woman, I recommend learning from Michael Port.

Finally, I want to make sure you understand that learning from other experts is the best way to fast-track your business. Don’t think of the purchase as an expense. Try to think of it as an investment that will pay back in dividends once you do the work!

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