From business to fitness, there’s no question that Instagram is an invaluable tool for connecting with potential coaching clients. Trying to share your business on Instagram can be lucrative, but it can also be very competitive.

Still not sure how you can use Instagram to reach new coaching clients? In this blog post, I’ll explain the key Instagram content you need to share. Plus, I’ll share why the real magic happens in the Instagram Direct Message.

So how do you stand out from your competition?

If you want to successfully share your coaching services with your Instagram followers, you need people to believe two things:

#1 They can benefit from the service you provide

#2 That YOU specifically are the right person to help them

How to Get Coaching Clients on Instagram

Instagram seems inundated with coaches. So how do you make sure your brand gets noticed? You start by sharing two kinds of content. Your Instagram needs to have:

  • Content that shows what it’s like to work with you
  • Content that shows the results your clients are getting

By sharing the kind of Instagram content that inspires confidence in your services, you can tell the story of your brand in an interesting, memorable way. Some possible content ideas could include:

  • Testimonials in your Instagram post descriptions
  • Client videos in your Instagram Story
  • An Instagram Live with one of your happy clients

Whatever you decide, make sure you’re focused on sharing the value of your business, not just celebrating your successes as a coach.

The 4 C’s to Creating Strong Instagram Engagement

With so many ways to reach out to prospective clients, people are always asking me how they can build a stronger community on Instagram. My number one sales tactic that I use to build my coaching program is Instagram Direct Message.

It’s true! The magic goes down in the Instagram Direct Message. This is your opportunity to have one-on-one conversations, and show that there’s a real person behind your avatar. That’s why whenever I start conversations in Instagram Direct Message, I keep in mind the 4 C’s.

#1 Curiosity

You can peek curiosity in the way you post. Whether it’s a compelling video or photo, think about sharing content that sparks conversation. Take a look at your insights to see which posts are inspiring the most conversation. That is the kind of Instagram content you should aspire to share more often.

#2 Conversation

Did someone leave an interesting comment on your post? Use this opportunity to take your convo from the comment thread into the Instagram Direct Message. You’d be amazed at the conversations that can happen here. Even better, it’s your chance to get feedback from your prospective client.

#3 Community

If there’s one thing people love on social media more than anything, it’s the chance to feel part of a larger community. Especially when people are interested in coaching services, they want to feel like there experience will be inclusive and positive. By taking the time to reach out and stay highly engaged with your followers, you’re demonstrating that you will take the time necessary to foster these strong relationships.

#4 Conversion

Ultimately, building a strong strategy on Instagram isn’t about “quick” wins. What’s most important is that you’re taking the time to nurture the relationships with your clients. When you take the time to show people that you care, they’re more likely to trust you as the go-to authority in your niche.  

How You Can Use the 4 C’s for Your Coaching Clients

As I mentioned above, building stronger relationships on Instagram using the 4 C’s takes time. That’s why it’s important that you’re taking the time to be intentional and strategic about your Instagram strategy.

Take for example one of my coaching clients, Katrina.

#1 Curiosity

Katrina left a comment on one of my posts expressing interest in my coaching group.

Sue B Zimmerman's Instagram follower activity.

#2 Conversation

I used this opportunity to follow up with her in the Instagram Direct Message. I let her know how many spots I had left in the group and asked her more questions to make sure she’d be the right fit for the Hive group. When possible, I suggest replying back with a video message. I try to do this as often as possible.

Sue B Zimmerman's Instagram Direct Message exchange with one of her followers.

#3 Community

Once I had that basic info, I asked Katrina to share her contact information so we could set up a phone call. I wanted to make sure Katrina felt comfortable joining my Hive group and felt a sense of community even before she signed up.

Sue B Zimmerman holds her iPhone as she watches a client's Instagram Live.

#4 Conversion

After talking about Katrina’s business goals and sharing my experiences as an Instagram business coach, Katrina felt more comfortable and ready to join the Hive group.

Ninja Tip: When you start a conversation with a potential client, make sure you not only save their contact info but make a note about your conversation. This will make it easier to recall later and will go the extra mile to show you’re invested in fostering the relationship.

Why You Need to Create a Great Bio

Consider your Instagram bio like a billboard for your business. That means your Instagram bio needs to tell people specifically what you do, and how they can contact you. People are not going to search for this information, so make sure it’s front and center.

Is your Instagram bio in need of facelift? Check out this video to learn three simple ways to improve your Instagram bio.

Learn How the Fundamentals Can Help You Improve Your Instagram Strategy

2019 Instagram Strategy Guide Download

Now that you have a better understanding of how to get coaching clients on Instagram, you’ll want to make sure you fully understand all of the fundamentals of Instagram. Not sure where to start?

That’s why I created my The Official Instagram Strategy Guide. It walks you step-by-step on how to create an effective Instagram marketing strategy. Plus, it will give you all the confidence you need to create a strong Instagram feed.

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