How to Sell Services on Instagram

When you are selling services on Instagram you have to use different tactics than you would if you were selling a product. I understand you might feel frustrated on what to post. That’s why I’m going to help you break through that frustration, so you can feel confident gaining customers and clients for your services on Instagram.  

And the best part? You don’t have to feel overly salesy or pushy to meet your business goals. Here are five ways you can improve your service-based sales on Instagram.

#1 Connection

Finding business success on Instagram doesn’t start with a ton of “likes” and followers. You’ll start to meet your business goals on Instagram when you invest the time in fostering real relationships and sparking real conversations.

You should never forget that behind every avatar is an individual. When you’re thinking about your Instagram strategy, remember that you’re not selling to every single person on Instagram with almost a billion users and counting that would be almost impossible! Instead, focus on framing your posts and Instagram Stories to talk to individuals. Think about:

  • Why should someone invest in your services?
  • What are your typical client’s top-of-mind-concerns?
  • How do your services address your client’s individual needs?

When you start to think about your Instagram strategy on that micro-level, your Instagram content will become more relatable. For example, Cat is a yoga teacher and wellness coach but she doesn’t limit her content solely to her daily yoga routine. She also shares relatable posts, like this one about her rescue pup, to humanize her brand.


Cat takes a smiling Instagram selfie with her rescue dog.


#2 Skill Set

While there are a ton of ways to amplify your services, I always recommend trying to show your business in action. Instead of only sharing photos that show your clients’ results, think about how you can share their transformation.

One of the best ways to share transformation photos is with before and after carousels. Not only are these photos more striking, but they give your prospective clients a better idea about what they can expect if they work with you.

Jenny Luu, a hair and makeup artist, takes this approach by showing her clients glamorous makeovers. Even better, she puts the “after” photo as the first image in the carousel. This makes the post more likely to stop people in their scroll and gives an extra wow factor.


A female client of Jenny Luu’s smiles as she undergoes a glamorous hair and makeup transformation.


#3 Testimonials and User-Generated-Content

Another way to promote your services on Instagram is by sharing testimonials and user-generated content. This content, originally shared by your followers or clients, is a smart way to shine the light on your business without feeling overly promotional or salesy.

When you share user-generated-content you not only let your followers know that you’re paying attention to their feedback, but you’re also walking the walk and helping people meet their goals. For example, I share testimonials and user-generated content in a dedicated “Praise” Instagram Stories Highlight. I not only include video shout outs, but I take screenshots of the feedback I get from the Instagram Direct Message too. No matter what kind of praise you share, make sure to ask the person’s permission before you amplify. You should also tag them in your content so they will know that you’ve shared their testimonial.


An Instagram Direct message from a happy client is accented with animated gifs and tags to grab peoples’ attention.


Pro Tip: Take screenshots of the feedback you receive – via email, Instagram Direct Message, or wherever. Then, save all of these testimonial images in one folder so it’s easy to refer to when you’re ready to share.

#4 Educate and Inspire

It's really easy to get wrapped up in the big picture of your Instagram content strategy. However, I recommend sharing microcontent.

Take the time to think about the “little wins” that your Instagram content can offer. Then you can focus on the lessons your followers should be walking away with each time they see your content. Ideally, every Instagram post should encourage your followers to engage, connect and, ultimately, want to work with you.

Take the Instagram microblog posts I regularly share on my Instagram Expert account, for example. In addition to the weekly blog posts and YouTube videos I publish, these Instagram microblog posts give people helpful tips right in their Instagram feed. So no matter where people are engaging with me, whether it’s on my YouTube channel or in the Instagram feed, they’re always seeing valuable content that keeps them coming back.


Sue B Zimmerman’s Instagram post breaks down the top tips that business owners need to know.


#5 Ask Your Clients to Send You a 15-Second Video Clip

No matter how hectic your schedule is, everyone has 15 seconds to spare. Ask your clients to send you a short video clip explaining why they recommend working with you.

If your clients are struggling to pull together a cohesive video or are nervous about being on camera, give them some pointers. For example:

  • Why do they enjoy working with you?
  • What kind of results did they see?
  • Why do they recommend other people work with you?

Don't worry if a video isn’t overly polished. This Instagram content will seem more authentic to your followers than content that has a lot of production.


A happy woman shares her video testimonial about why she recommends following Sue B Zimmerman on Instagram.


Improving Your Instagram Strategy

Now that you know how to sell services on Instagram, it’s time to work on the strategy that will help you see long-term growth. Download my FREE Instagram Strategy Guide now to learn how you can grow your online community, increase your revenue and more.

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