Instagram Time Saving Hacks

We all could use a few extra hours in our day, especially when it comes to managing our business. Over the years my team and I have developed some of the best tips and tricks that have allowed us to step up our Instagram game, without spending all day scrolling. Before you get lost in the Instagram abyss, check out these seven time-saving hacks.

#1 Scheduling app or website

One of the biggest issues my clients often struggle with is time management. If you’ve read any of my other blog posts then you know that posting consistently is very important to generating engagement with your followers. My team and I rely on Planoly to help minimize confusion and ensure that we’re posting consistently. Not only does Planoly allow you to schedule your posts, but you can also upload all of your images so you can curate your content in one place.

Using the drag and drop feature I can even see an exact mock up of what my timeline will look like when my posts are published. Planoly takes all of the guess work out of creating the #InstaPerfect feed. Have a special sale or event coming up? With Planoly you can instantly create all of your dedicated content ahead of schedule – a huge time saver! If you’re not sure if Planoly is right for your business, I also encourage you to check out other apps like Buffer or Later Media.

#2 Batch your photos

Once you’ve finished a photo shoot or special event, how do you organize your photos? If you just put them in massive folders to sort through later, stop! Instead, try giving batching a try. What does it mean to batch your photos? This is a simple time saver where you set aside time to create groups of posts at one dedicated time. For example, my team organizes our photos from photo shoots and other themed content into specific folders in Dropbox. Then it’s easy for us to focus on specific posts, themes, or events when we’re planning our content. Voila, simple!

If you’re not sure how to effectively organize your photos, give Planoly a try. Using the drag and drop feature with the mocked up Instagram feed you can easily see and plan what your feed will look like two days, a week, or even a month from now.

#3 Block time on your calendar to engage

Instead of trying to constantly engage around the clock, schedule dedicated time to engage with your followers. I set aside fifteen minutes four times a day to check in on my notifications. It can be as simple as liking a comment, responding to a follower, or answering a question. I don’t feel glued to my phone and my followers know that I’m willing to be part of the two-way conversation on Instagram. It’s a win-win.

Don’t forget to also use this opportunity to check your Instagram inbox. While it’s easy for your inbox to get cluttered with random emojis and spam, you don’t want to miss important opportunities to respond to people who are actually interested in your business.

#4 Utilize Facebook’s inbox

A few week’s ago I blogged about how easy it to use Instagram on your desktop. Well, there’s another way you can save time using your desktop: Facebook’s inbox. Much like your notifications in the Instagram app, Facebook allows you to view and respond to your followers’ comments and engagements with your posts. To access the Instagram notification feed, simply click on the Instagram icon in Facebook’s inbox.

Forget tediously scrolling through Instagram on your phone’s small screen. Now you can more easily respond and organize your responses without feeling like you’re missing important opportunities to connect with your followers.

#5 Put hashtags in a note

I cannot say it enough, hashtags are a really, really important part of any successful Instagram strategy. If you want your content to be seen by your followers and other prospective customers, you need to make sure you’re using the right hashtags in every single post. But instead of trying to come up with a fresh batch of hashtags every time, save yourself time by organizing your hashtags in a note on your phone.

You can make it even easier by organizing your hashtags into different categories depending on your posts. This way you can easily copy and paste directly from your hashtag note right after you post. Remember, you want to add the hashtags in the first comment as soon as you post. This will ensure you don’t get bogged down in the feed and will stand out as one of the most recent posts in the hashtag hub.

#6 Pick your favorite filters

Instagram has over 40 filters to choose from; no one has time to scroll through and pick their favorites every time. In order to keep your photos consistent and save yourself time, organize your favorite filters to show up first. To select your favorite filters just scroll to the end of the filter options and tap on the gear. You can now drag your favorite filters to the top and even unselect the filters that you don’t use.

A time saver that helps to keep your Instagram feed consistent, it’s an #InstaPerfect solution!

#7 Turn off notifications

I know it seems counterproductive, but turning off your notifications can actually save you a lot of time. It’s easy to get distracted when you have tons of Instagram notification alerts. That’s why it’s so important to set aside dedicated time where you can scroll through Instagram with purpose.

To turn off your notifications, tap into the notifications settings on your phone. You can then toggle to turn off all Instagram notifications. Not ready to disconnect just yet? Change your alert style for when your phone is unlocked.

Get out and get Instagramming


There you have it, all of the tips and hacks that will keep you productive on Instagram. When it comes to managing Instagram, it’s about the quality not the quantity of time you spend on the platform. Once you’re efficient with your time you’ll finally have the time you need to get out and do something worth Instagramming!

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